Scare Wear
Even a child knows how valuable the forest is. The fresh, breathtaking smell of trees. Echoing birds flying above that dense magnitude. A stable climate, a sustainable diverse life and a source of culture. Yet, forests and other ecosystems hang in the balance, threatened to become croplands, pasture, and plantations.

Satan’s Baby Apparel
Ordering this t-shirt should be easy! As Tracy Morgan says: “As long as no one tries to put Satan’s Baby in you!”
Satan’s Baby Accessories!
Conversation starter? Sure. Are you up for it? Show your love in a way only a Scare Tactics fan would understand.

You Got Bowned!
True Scare Tactics fans will recognize this one: Show 403. The prank was called, “Show and Hell!”
Fear Antics Apparel & Accessories!
Fear Antics… WHAT?!?
Show you’re “in the know” by repping everyone’s favorite fake prank show.

WOW – Rat Monster Apparel!
One of the most famous lines in Scare Tactics history is all yours in this exclusive design.
WOW – Rat Monster Accessories!
The most famous line in “Scare Tactics” history is yours in these cool, new, exclusive designs!

Are You Scared?
You shouldn’t be! It’s just a Scare Tactics T-shirt branded with the phrase that brings thankful relief to the end of every prank.
Scare Tactics
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